Are you asking for 'essay for jesus'? You will find your answers right here.
Table of contents
- Essay for jesus in 2021
- Jesus facts
- Birth of jesus essay
- Jesus is eternal verses
- Jesus is always with us essay
- Life and teachings of jesus summary
- Thoughts about jesus essay
- Topics for 5 paragraph essays
Essay for jesus in 2021

Jesus facts
Birth of jesus essay
Jesus is eternal verses

Jesus is always with us essay

Life and teachings of jesus summary

Thoughts about jesus essay

Topics for 5 paragraph essays

Why was Jesus important to the Jewish religion?
What was interesting and remarkable about Jesus was not the obvious fact that he believed in the God of his Jewish religion, but that he rebelled against many aspects of Yahweh's vengeful nastiness. At least in the teachings that are attributed to him, he publicly advocated niceness and was one of the first to do so.
Why is the name Jesus Christ so important?
The name Jesus Christ spawns multiple feelings throughout cultures. Jesus Christ is also a name that has impacted everyone in a monumental way and is impacting all aspects of society. No matter how you feel about Jesus Christ, it is insurmountable to deny the fact that he is not an impactful figure in the world we live in today.
Who was Jesus Christ and what was his mission?
Jesus Christ came into the world so that mankind may have eternal life. His mission was to save the world and to preach repentance and the love of God. The son of God came to minister, to serve others and to give himself as a ransom to humanity [CITATION All 11\l 1033 ]. Those who heard Jesus’ teachings were convicted, challenged, and encouraged.
What does the Bible say about who Jesus Christ is?
John 1:23--John replied in the words of Isaiah the prophet, "I am the voice of one calling in the desert, 'Make straight the way for the Lord'" (Isaiah 40:3 prophecy fulfilled). The word LORD, spelled with all captial letters is the name of God, Jehovah.
Last Update: Oct 2021